Thursday, September 29, 2005

Hello everyone

Hey guys just thought that I would let you know about what is new with us! We have been so busy recently! I am so far having a great school year! It has been great! I wanted to let all of you know that we prayed for you in my class today. We have been talking about family and the importance of praying for family! So I mentioned that I had 2 brothers, 1 sister-in-law, 1 almost sister-in-law, 1 niece, and a mom and dad. Of course with first and second graders that takes around 30 minutes going into details such as hair color, eye color, weight, height, etc. Well gotta go! Love to all and to all a good afternoon!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Here's the Scoop!

I know with faith I should not be surprised that God laid it on someone's heart to give us fifty dollars on Sunday and on someone else to invite us over to eat! It has really been a growing experiance. I can't say I have enjoyed it but I have grown!!! One and a half weeks left to go!! Love to all! Chris thanks for taking care of my spam problem!!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Hello again

I am so glad to let everyone know that we are still alive and even doing well. This week has been a very interesting week in our life, but also a very positive one. Jason and I have had our faith encouraged and also have learned a lot about God's provision!! Well Love to all

Friday, August 19, 2005

Well After an even longer time

Hello everyone...
School has started once again so I can now keep you informed of all my doings! I hope everyone is excited about this fact! I have had an enjoyable first week...I have had one student who feels it is her job to test her will against mine... So far...I am ahead by far...Well I will finish posting later on! I just wanted to get back in the land of blog!!

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Well after a long time...

Hello everybody...
We have had a great busy week! I can't believe how quickly it has gone by! I am excited to report that I did survive. Everything has been going well.

Misty and THE CAT make things interesting! We have gotten a lot of entertainment from watching them chase each other and then just play together. I can tell that Misty had really missed Cody or something to play with... I think that Misty kind of thinks that THE CAT is a very sophisticated play toy. THE CAT, on the other hand seems to think that Misty's tail stubby though it is, is a great toy. Misty is not amused at that! We have named THE CAT Chloe, and she doesn't seem to know that yet...either that or she doesn't seem to care!

Jason is doing well... He loves Chloe because in a way she is cuddly like her own catty way...Misty of course is so much cuter and warmer and practically perfect in every way!!!!

Well I must depart for the bus route! Love to all and to all a good afternoon!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Saturday at Last!

Well I have not been able to get on the computer all week long due to extreme workload... and others being on the computer! I hope this find you and yours doing well! We have our missionary conference this week. I have to go but will write later!

Friday, April 15, 2005

Well, What a day! I am so glad it is Friday. My kids have been so crazy with spring fever this week. It doesnt' help that the teacher is feeling it too.
Our rose bush has started blooming, which is so exciting! It is absolutely gorgeous! I love it! The azaleas that Mom brought us also have little flowers on them... all except the one that has turned a funny brown color...
Everyone should be so proud! I have not only turned a page by starting a blog, I also have started a "get in shape" plan... I am really excited about it!
Well Recess is almost over! So I have to depart! It was great to hear all your comments...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Well If everyone else is doing it....

Sometimes peer pressure works on adults too! I felt like everyone had a blog, so I had to have one too. Yes, if EVERYONE jumped off a bridge I would be tempted!

Well, Jason and I have successfully recovered from youth conference. It was so nice having Spring Break after it. We relaxed, cleaned out closets and worked in our yard. It wasn't nearly long enough though. I am anxiously awaiting summer.

It will have to be short today, because my class is waiting. (My break ends in 5 minutes)See ya'll later!!